Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Heading out

Snow already
Driving from Yellowstone to Lander was quite scenic 
Paint pots in Yellowstone. Way cool. 
Old Faithful right on time.   
View of the Grand Tetons. 
We're heading into the field tomorrow for a 10 day backpacking trip and then a 10 day wilderness first responder course. So it may be a little while until i get to do another post. Here are some pictures to tide you over.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

West Coast

We got to Seattle around 7 last thursday and took the train to Jon and Rachel's house. Had a quick tour of the city Friday and then picked up Jon and Rachel at work to head out of town for Missoula. After 8 hours in the car we arrived at 4 am - probably the latest I've been up ever. We've been plenty busy since we got here with kayaking, biking and a little hiking. We visited Glacier National Park yesterday and saw some spectacular views. Today is a rest day, tomorrow we head for Yellowstone and then my course starts next Monday.

Pictures so far

Glacier National Park
Broken chain during a ride at Heart Lake
Mike Pfund showing us how it's done
Steep descent
Walking in Glacier Park
Stu and Christine standing in front of Hidden Lake at Glacier Park